Tuesday, May 24, 2011

MOMMA FOX & 5 KITS - May 2011

This spring has been a hoot! We've been honored by a Momma Fox by her selection of our shed as a den for her nursery. She's now raising 5 beautiful kits and tolerating the fact that we live here too. When Mom is out hunting, the kits stay under the shed in the den. When she gets home, however, the kits are free to run and wrestle and play under her careful watch. This beats any TV show we've ever seen; they just tear everywhere and pounce on everything, especially each other. They're play time was initially at sunset when they were nothing more than little balls of fur. After 3 weeks now, they've doubled in size and their active time has now changed to a "night hunter" mode. Throughout the nights now, our motion-detector security light at the frontdeck steps is really getting a workout . . .on/off, on/off, on/off. We'll try to post some more pics as they grow, but I think they'll be disappearing pretty soon for serious training at night with Mom. Enjoy.

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