Thursday, December 22, 2011


We launched Summer Breeze on Nov 18, 2011. The following are just miscellaneous pics along the way to Miami until Dec 21, 2011.

Summer Breeze cleaned up & ready to leave home port Indiantown Marina

Indiantown Marina party patio

Indiantown boat launch; there are 350 boats of all types on-the-hard here

Resident animal control officer next to Summer Breeze's dock

Admiral Nancy negotiating the St Lucie Lock 12-foot drop into the St Lucie River

Rainy day in Ft Lauderdale, heading south under the 17th St Causeway Bridge for Miami

Kingfisher with supper (thru the smoked-glass forward hatch). Nancy gets credit for this artsy shot; taken as the kingfisher repeatedly slammed his meal up against the stanchion to knock it out so he could swallow it.

Moon Jellyfish

Marine Stadium anchorage view of downtown Miami

Taking kids out to play . . . Miami-style

Summer Breeze can't do this . . . I've GOT to get one of these!!!

Satur morn 12/7 we woke up to the smell of burning fiberglass

And the mortar-like sounds of propane & fuel tanks exploding

*cough, cough* Pics are from the bow of Summer Breeze

Four multi-million $ yachts burned to the waterline only 300 yards from us in the fashionable Dinner Key Marina of Coconut Grove . . . scarey

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