Wednesday, November 2, 2011


We discovered that they don't designate "just anywhere" as a "national park". They each have there own special qualities; and as scarey a place as this is, it is special!

"Bad Water Basin" the lowest elevation in the US, at 282 ft below sea level. There is also a cute sign that says "avoid hiking here in the summer". Duhhhh.

This is a view of "Bad Water" looking back towards the Jeep. Nan had to walk out onto the Basin for a better view (?). I'm the smart one just out of sight waving at her from the Jeep.

If you break down out here in the summer, you can kiss your, errr Jeep, goodbye.

If a road sign says "Dip", it means it! You can catch air off of this stuff.

Not my favorite type of hiking trail. Typical here.

Rare shade in Death Valley campground. It was really strange sleeping under the scourge of South Florida, the Australian Pine. It can't spread here, however, no water. Our tent was at 100 ft below sea level.

Jim & one of the 20-mule team borax wagons.

While we were "raven" about Death Valley, this guy thought it wasn't much to "crow" about!

What an interesting place. Before visiting, I was thinking "why in the world go to Death Valley?", but this area is special. It just has to be appreciated for its differences. Glad we weren't here in July, when the average temp is 88F - 115F degrees. The record low is 134F degrees, the hottest in the US ever recorded. We only saw 97F degrees; not great tenting weather, but the night was in the 60's. Now we're off farther west to Yosemite Nat'l Park.

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