Thursday, November 3, 2011


Oh, yes, sequoias & wine do go together quite well! As we continued on our trek west, just before leaving Yosemite Nat'l Park, we tented another night at Wowona Campground. It's just outside the famed "Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias". Sequoiadendron giganteum, the Giant Sequoia, is the largest tree in the world; albeit shorter than its close kin Sequoia sempervirens, the Coastal Redwood. Pardon the lousy photography of this area. These guys are so huge, it's very difficult to put them into scale with a camera. We took a little Nat'l Park shuttle tour up into the grove, then walked back out. The $25-per-person charge for a half hour of "canned" narration confirmed to me that the $12-per-person charge that the DSNGRR adds onto a train ticket for our guests who want to hear my hour & a half of "live" tour is a steal. If you go to Mariposa, just walk and enjoy.

Ahhh, Napa Valley. I like this place. Interesting though, it's totally different from vineyards in Switzerland and France which are grown primarily on the hillsides. We grow ours on the flat valley floor.

From the Giant Sequoias we headed for Napa Valley. It was time for showers again; people were starting to shun us. A great little French Country Inn named "Bel Abri" in Napa renewed our spirits and personal hygiene. They even threw a little wine tasting party that evening for us and the rest of the guests and served us breakfast in bed the next morning. That really beat the heck out of the tent!
Next to the northern California coast & Hwy 1.

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