Friday, November 4, 2011


Driving from Napa & Sonoma straight west to the Pacific.

Jim had to stop and hug a baby redwood. The parents will come later.

They keep getting a little bigger.

This was a really strange sensation. One minute you're driving along this narrow little winding road in a valley under towering redwoods, then without warning or indication of a change coming, you pop out onto Pacific Coast Hiway 1 with the Pacific Ocean right in front of you. Seriously cool!!!!!

When momma's happy, everybody's happy!

You get the feeling that this can be a very cold & angry coast at times. But still gorgeous.

Definitely NOT Florida!

Driving PCH 1 is cool. It's one tree canopy after another then boom, an ocean vista.

These signs kinda freaked out us Floridian sailors.

For my old hippie cronies from the 60's and Willie Nelson fans, this pic above should ring a bell. If it doesn't, don't worry. Like they say "if you remember the 60's, you weren't there!"
After a night tenting along the beach at Van Damme State Park just south of Fort Bragg, we headed northward for the "Avenue of the Giants" . . . the reeeealy big redwoods.

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